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Rote is typically reached via Kupang, West Timor. Flights to Kupang originate in various parts of Indonesia, including Bali. A good way to plan your trip from your origin to Kupang is with Rome2Rio Means of transport from Kupang to Rote have changed frequently over the last few years. Usually, there is a fast ferry service and a slow ferry service. Air services also operate at times but it is best to check with your host as to the best way to get to the island.
T-Land (or Besialu) is a world-class left-hand reef break that
can give rides running to hundreds of meters. Checkout
the surf forecast at Surfline. T-Land
works a large percentage of the time during the dry season.
Boa is a right-hand surf break that is also world class on its day. It requires wind generally coming from a northerly direction, which is more common in the wet season. Checkout the forecast here: Boa.
There are numerous other breaks
on the island that can be reached by boat or car.
The people
The Rotenese
are a friendly, predominantly Christian people.
Churchgoing is a large part of their lives and there are
numerous churches around Rote. There are at least 4
within about 5 miles of the villa.
It was not long ago that the Rotenese
led a largely subsistence lifestyle and that is still the case
in part. The introduction of seaweed harvesting and the development of
tourism have changed the lifestyle of many Rotenese. This has been a major
transition (see, for example, "...Perspectives on
Development Tourism....on Rote...", however, the Rotenese are adapting well and make
wonderful hosts. In fact, the Rotenese
have had dealings with Westerners
going back hundreds of years to the days of the Dutch East
India Company (see "Lords of the Lands, Lords of the Sea").
further back, Rote has some interesting prehistoric archeology (see "...Prehistoric
Archaeology Resources in Rote Ndao
Islands..." only abstract in English). The Rotenese have a rich poetic history
and culture, documented by Professor James Fox (see, for
example, "Explorations of Semantic Parallelism").
villa boat "Mane
Tua Sain" ("Lord of the
Sea") is named after one of the characters from the epic
West Rote has attracted a
growing number of Westerners who are making their homes in
that wonderful environment. With them, they have brought
an increasing diversity of food from around the world, which
is increasingly turning West Rote into a foody heaven.
Here are links to Trip Advisor reviews for some of our
favourite local restaurants, in increasing order of
distance from the villa: Narrow Restaurant; The Pasar; Seed Resort; Bekky Boo; Indika; 81 Palms; Blu Oceano; Utopia.
Life at Villa Tunggaoen
For a picture of a typical day
at Villa Tunggaoen click here...
A Day in Life at Villa Tunggaoen |